
a happy birthday

Today is my birthday!

I spent the weekend at home in celebration of the anniversary of my birth; now I'm 19 years of age. Funny, I feel a lot younger, and also a whole lot older. Like any 19 year old, I took advantage of my return home to spend some quality time hanging around my room playing dress-up in a 1920s gown and playing with my doll. I'm pretty wild, I know. No, I also had a little fête (with cake, of course) and partook in some classically Autumnal activities, like apple picking and riding my horse around in the beautiful woods.

This is The Committee. I make sure I have their sartorial approval before I leave the house, and let me tell you, they were thrilled about this 1920s silk gown. The girl on the right in particular; she even wanted it for herself.

I received some wonderful gifts: tickets to see Gillian Welch in October, a lamp, a vintage Peck & Peck skirt, and some $$$. Perhaps the most beautiful gift was this fantastic violet squaw dress from the lovely Miss M. Garth. I can't wait to wear it out; it's truly a frock fit for this self-proclaimed sweetheart of the rodeo.

I hope your weekend was swell and dandy!


so long sumertime

A fall chill is in the air up here, and the leaves are really truly starting to turn... I'm quite happy to snuggle up in sweaters and furs again, and to get back to learnin' a thing a two at school, but it's a very bittersweet time as well. See, I can't wait for apple picking and frosty mornings and even Halloween, but summer is so beautiful and mysterious and dreamy, and it just can't be beat.  Sometimes I do wish summer could go on forever. These are some 35 mm pictures I took of my strange little world that sort of capture what makes Vermont summers so idyllic.

But I'm still excited for Fall. Today I wore my favorite '30s long-sleeved dress and a mink stole and tights!! Yeah! I was getting so sick of cotton.


le voyage dans la lune

Hey folks! I've been quite busy with all the back-to-school + flood aftermath goings-ons, so expect things to be a little quiet around these parts (...but not silent!). I was so enchanted by this little film, though, I just had to make a post all about it. 1902's Le Voyage Dans La Lune is all kinds of surreal magic. I really love the sailor outfits those chorus girls are rocking; have you ever seen such short-shorts on a Gibson girl?! Quel horreur! 

If you have 10 minutes to spare, watch it! 
(Bonus points for the narrator's wonderfully thick accent)

P.S.: I sense this is a rare opportunity to bring up this other little film, which had me squealing in delight! Dogs Of Yore are awesome.
 I wish milk was still delivered like that.


hell among the yearlings

So you know that Joyce Carol Oates story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been"? If you're an American from my generation, you've likely encountered it at some point in English class. Well, the story was partially inspired by the tragic true tale of a dashing young serial killer named Charles Schmid. When I had to read Oates' story in 11th grade, I became far more engrossed by these photographs than the ol' short story itself. The murders were committed around Arizona in the mid-'60s, and the article containing these images first appeared on March 4, 1966 in Life Magazine. Their strange, poignant, and brutally honest portrayal of '60s Southwestern teens (all of whom seem chillingly nonchalant considering the context) makes for some surprisingly compelling pictures. 

You can click to enlarge.

"The Tucson Speedway, which is a hang-out for teenagers with nothing to do, which was frequented by murderer Charles Schmid."

"Teenage girls looking for the body of Alleen Rowe, in connection with murderer Charles Schmid."

Oh yeah: happy Labor Day!! Enjoy your time off.