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{{d a k o t a w a l s h 9 2 {a.t} g m a i l . c o m}}
My Etsy shop, for vintage and antique clothing: The Gossamer Gown
My blog about abandoned Vermont (ironically enough, rather abandoned itself) : Among My Souvenirs
My moodboards and inspiration files: Pinterest

Please note: This is my personal blog, and simply a place to share snippets of my individual experience collecting and wearing antique/vintage clothing. It is not and never will be monetized. Please don't send me press releases, add me to mailing lists, etc.
"Dumb and cute: the best combination." -- Anon., 2011
"You're just a vain silly white girl with no concept of our society past or present." -- Letechia, 2013
"The actual fleshlight sleeves thereon outfit are usually Best. I really like large fleshlight sleeves. Your own make-up is actually stunning as well. This has not also reached seem like Tumble however exactly where I'm." -- hvac training in SD, 2012
My Etsy shop, for vintage and antique clothing: The Gossamer Gown

Please note: This is my personal blog, and simply a place to share snippets of my individual experience collecting and wearing antique/vintage clothing. It is not and never will be monetized. Please don't send me press releases, add me to mailing lists, etc.
"Dumb and cute: the best combination." -- Anon., 2011
"You're just a vain silly white girl with no concept of our society past or present." -- Letechia, 2013
"The actual fleshlight sleeves thereon outfit are usually Best. I really like large fleshlight sleeves. Your own make-up is actually stunning as well. This has not also reached seem like Tumble however exactly where I'm." -- hvac training in SD, 2012