
sweet dreams

victorian nightgown!

This is not so much an outfit post as it is a, "hey look, my nightgown is over 100 years old!" sort of post. So, without further ado: Look, my night gown is over 100 years old.

I have three antique nightgowns now. Why? I don't really know. My favorite little antique treasure shop has this closet stuffed with very old clothes (Victorian to 1930s, mostly) that they let me have for $5 to $20 a piece, so I have a ridiculously large collection of antique garments that are totally unpractical for everyday wear. I think in the summer this sweet little ruffled nightie will be just perfect for a picnic or an evening walk to get an ice cream cone, though!

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(This one I took through my gauzy canopy for some reason, but the misty effect is rather nice in a naive art sort of way)

gauze 1



  1. Totally stunning. Prancing round the summer heat in frills sounds delightful. Particularly with your gorgeous curls!

  2. I love to wear antique nighties as day dresses. You look adorable & I love the soft lighting.

  3. This looks really nice, I can see it working for day wear. Also...how lucky to have all those old clothes nearby for so cheap!! I envy you! There was a really nice lil old antique shop in the small town I used to live in that hold a bunch of old clothing as well for relatively cheap. One of the few things I miss about the small town!

  4. i love it! i've acutally been looking for an antique/vintage nightgown to wear out! it looks perfect for summer :-)

  5. How lovely, I wished I owned something so old. If you belted it and wore a bright slip underneath it you could definitely wear it out & about during warmer weather!

  6. Ooh so pretty! I found a vintage nightie last year and I'll def be wearing it as a summer dress, too cute not to show off! :)

  7. i repeat myself but your hair are really magnificent! how lucky you are to have this beautiful thick hair


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