
100 years of Woody Guthrie

"As through this world I've wandered
I've seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six gun
And some with a fountain pen.

And as through your life you travel,
Yes, as through your life you roam,
You'll never see an outlaw
Drive a family from their home."

Today marks the centennial birthday of Woody Guthrie. The man wrote some of the most direct and eloquent songs concerning our country: he spoke out against our gross failures and social injustices, and stood up for America's most marginalized people, while also celebrating the intense beauty and richness of our unique heritage. Unfortunately not everyone listened, and to this day I think many folks could stand to give a good hard listen to Guthrie's songs and ideas.

Happy birthday, Mr. Guthrie!


  1. "This land is my land, this land is your land......this land was made for you and me"

  2. Ah, Woody! Another great Oklahoman :) There's a big festival going on (they have it every year, but this is his 100th birthday, so its extra special) down in Okemah, Ok this weekend.
    I do indeed think he, and another Oklahoman Will Rogers are still really relevant with their music and words today...especially today!

  3. What a wonderful man. As Dylan once said, "You could listen to his songs and actually learn how to live." Happy birthday Woody!

  4. Happy Birthday, Woody! Okemah, OK isn't far, but I couldn't make it to the Woody Guthrie Festival this year. Thanks for honoring him today.

  5. A very important man, thank you for commemorating him x

  6. Excellently, eloquently said. Thank you for shining the much deserved spotlight on Woody.

    ♥ Jessica

  7. I must read up on Mr. Guthrie. I do know he wrote the song "Roll on, Columbia, roll on" about the mighty Columbia River. I live in the small town that is the headwaters of this river and the locals have never heard of this great song. Gotta change that!


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